Warriors on the Water – Double Nickel Charters – Dreams Reelized & Captain Jason Stock Charters – presents the 2nd annual – Offshore Invasion
Weigh In Hosted in Sarasota, at Marina Jack from 1pm-4pm on 6/14/
To reserve a slip contact the Dock Master, at
941.955.9488 or email at dockmaster@marinajacks.com
Captains Meeting at Sarasota Hooters on Thursday 6/12/ at 7pm
Join us for the Ultimate Offshore Battle !
All proceeds benefit Warriors on the Water 501(c)(3) and help us serve our mission of facilitating and funding a positive outlet for veterans within nature and one of a kind charter fishing experiences.
• 10:00 PM, Thursday, June 12th,
Entry Fees
Inshore Division $350
Northern & Southern Boundaries from Naples to Crystal River, launch any where from Crystal River to Naples.
Lines in at 6pm on 6/28/24
Winner will be determined by the longest 3 Snook – Catch & Release only – must have video footage including boat number – Must include boat number with fish and measuring device.
Limited Division (western boundary 835000 line) $350
Northern & Southern Boundaries from Naples to Crystal River, Western Boundary 835000 line, launch any where from Crystal River to Naples.
Lines in at 6am on 6/14/ – Red Snapper will be harvested according to annual 20 season
Winner will be determined by the heaviest 7 fish aggregate weight, consisting of Heaviest 2 Grouper, Heaviest 3 Snapper, Heaviest 2 Pelagic Species.
Eligible Species
- Grouper: Red & Scamp
- Snapper: Mangrove, Red, Yellowtail, & Mutton
- Pelagic: Kingfish, Cobia, African Pompano, Tuna, Bonita, Mahi, & Wahoo
Unlimited Division $750
Lines in at 6am on 6/13/ – Red Snapper will be harvested in accordance with annual 20 season
Winner will be determined by the heaviest 10 fish aggregate weight, consisting of Heaviest 2 Grouper, Heaviest 3 Snapper, Heaviest 2 Pelagic Species, 3 Deep Water Fish Aggregate
Eligible Species
- Grouper: Red , Scamp, & Black
- Snapper: Mangrove, Red, Yellowtail, Mutton, & Cubera
- Pelagic: Kingfish, Cobia, African Pompano, Tuna, Mahi, & Wahoo
- Deep Water: Snowy Grouper, Kitty Mitchel, Yellow Edge Grouper, Yellow Eye Snapper, Queen Snapper, Golden Tile, Blue Tile, Pomfret, Escolar, Oilfish, Barrelfish, Toro Snapper, Alfonsino

Limited Offshore Division based on 25 boats – 1st place $5,000 – 2nd place $1,500 – 3rd place $500
Unlimited Offshore based on 20 boats – 1st place $9,000 – 2nd place $2,000 – 3rd place $1,000
We are currently looking for sponsors.
Please contact Tournament Director 941-225-3256